VA - Subdivisions A Tribute To Rush (2005)

Releases FM / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 3 590  23.03.25 
Performer: Various Artists
Album: Subdivisions A Tribute To Rush
Label: Irond. Made in Russia.
Catalog #: 05-DD251
Style: Tribute
Year: 2005
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 11
Size RAR: ~ 561 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password
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Rush - Presto (1989) (Reissue 2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 1 463  14.03.25 
Performer: Rush
Album: Presto
Label: Atlantic. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: WPCR-14993
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1989
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 11
Size RAR: ~ 467 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

ТРИНАДЦАТЫЙ по счету альбом Rush Presto оброс всеми возможными невзгодами, причем абсолютно незаслуженно. Он провалился по продажам, его освистали большинство музыкальных журналов и более того - его невзлюбили и многие фэны группы! И тем не менее по моему мнению это очень хорошая работа великих мастеров прог-рока. В очередной раз подведя черту концертником после четырех студийников музыканты очевидно поняли что еще больше усложнять музыку просто некуда. Так что же делать? Ответ напрашивается сам собой - back to the roots, my friends (полный назад то есть). Именно этим путем и пошли Rush - музыка на альбоме довольно жесткая, клавишных ощутимо меньше, в общем этакий экскурс в прошлое.
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Rush - Roll The Bones (1991) (Reissue 2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 1 479  09.03.25 
Performer: Rush
Album: Roll The Bones
Label: Atlantic. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: WPCR-14994
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1991
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size RAR: ~ 436 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Здесь и сейчас мы вслушиваемся в 14-ый альбом Rush. Надо сказать к этому альбому применительно выражение "новостей нет". Звук опять балансирует на грани старого жесткого харда и относительно недавнего клавишного арта. В общем то получился полный двойник Presto - есть и отличные треки в описанном выше стиле (Dreamline, The Big Wheel, Ghost Of A Chance), есть и flashback в 70-е (Face Up), есть и мутная водица (Heresy), есть даже заигрывание с хип-хопом (!!!) в заглавной вещи. Ну а главный номер программмы по моему шедевральная Bravado - настолько чувственной, грустной и в тоже время оптимистчной песни я не слышал давно.
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Rush - Signals (1982) [Reissue 2009] [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 1 730  06.03.25 
Performer: Rush
Album: Signals
Label: Atlantic. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: WPCR-13480
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1982
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 8
Size RAR: ~ 382 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Данная работа стала первой за долгие годы попыткой Rush обратиться к более коротким композициям, с которых они начинали свою карьеру. Вновь вернулась схема «куплет – припев – куплет – припев – короткое соло – куплет – припев», которой вроде бы не должно быть в настоящем прогрессивном роке. Гедди Ли поет, не напирая на более высокие ноты, что мне нравится гораздо больше, а также использует еще больше клавишных, но музыка от этого не становится мажорнее – напротив, альбом получился довольно печальным и тревожным. Пирт на этот раз решил обратиться к урбанизации и машинизации, опасным образом влияющих на человеческое общество, но он также вновь затрагивает тему взросления в этом мире.
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Rush - Power Windows (1985) (Reissue 2009) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 1 914  04.03.25 
Performer: Rush
Album: Power Windows
Label: Atlantic. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: WPCR-13482
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1985
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 8
Size RAR: ~ 396 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

И хотя даже на самом первом, весьма примитивном и откровенно хард роковом альбоме, Rush уже, так сказать, вовсю сеяли корни современного прогрессив рока, то именно на "Power Windows" эти посевы созрели до размера титанических колосьев. Именно этот диск стоит признать пиком сложности и навороченности для музыки Rush. Хитросплетения клавишных опять впереди планеты всей, смены ритмов и хаотичность музыкальных тем просто потрясающе интересны,
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Rush - Grace Under Pressure (1984) [Reissue 2009] [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 2 530  01.03.25 
Performer: Rush
Album: Grace Under Pressure
Label: Atlantic. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: WPCR-13481
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1984
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 8
Size RAR: ~ 358 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

В общем, что обещали то и получили - еще более усложнившийся Rush c долгожданной тонной клавиш. Что интересно - на Genesis совершенно не похоже, хотя у них был примерно такой же прогресс. Отличие в том, что клавиши стали полноправным инструментом в музыкальной палитре, но рок при этом никуда не уходил. Итого - мрачный, местами депрессивный, но при этом чертовски качественный альбом, достойный любой коллекции серьёзного меломана. Rush опять поменялись, но растеряли при этом самый минимум фэнов. И как это у них только получается?
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Rush - Hold Your Fire (1987) [Reissue 2009] [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 2 005  23.02.25 
Performer: Rush
Album: Hold Your Fire
Label: Atlantic. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: WPCR-13483
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1987
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size RAR: ~ 419 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

В целом - самый обычный альбом Rush, самый обычный набор песен в стиле прогрессив рока. По сравнению с прошлыми двумя работами клавиш стало ощутимо поменьше, гитар, соответственно, чуть побольше. Да это и правильно - после такого титана мысли, каким был "Power Windows", усложнять музыку еще больше было бы просто глупо. Поэтому ребята пошли в обратном направлении, и на "Hold Your Fire" сделали этакий шажок назад, к меланхоличному настроению "Signals". Запись просто отличная, исполнительское мастерство вполне на уровне. На диске присутствуют несколько исключительно приятных композиций, достойных входить в пантеон лучших песен Rush.
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VA - Working Man – A Tribute To Rush (1996) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Scullplug 0 633  03.11.24 
Performer: Various Artists
Album: Working Man – A Tribute To Rush
Label: Roadrunner Records. Made in Japan.
Catalog #: RRCY-1010
Style: Prog Rock
Year: 1996
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 13
Size RAR: ~ 611 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Several prominent musicians from the genres of hard rock, progressive rock, heavy metal, progressive metal and extreme metal were a part of this project. Musicians include Sebastian Bach, Jake E. Lee, Mike Portnoy, Billy Sheehan, Brendt Allman, James LaBrie, Jack Russell, Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella, Mike Baker, Gary Wehrkamp, Carl Cadden-James, Joe Nevollo, Steve Morse, Kevin Soffera, James Murphy, Eric Martin, Brad Kaiser, Robert Berry, Mark Slaughter, Deen Castronovo, Stuart Hamm, John Petrucci, Matt Guillory, Ray Alder, Joey Vera, Mark Zonder, Jim Matheos, Jason Keaser, Devin Townsend, Sean Malone, Sean Reinert, Gregoor Van Der Loo, Trent Gardner, Jeff Brockman, George Lynch.
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Rush - Signals (1994) [MFSL]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 4 730  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: Signals
Label: Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab. Made in US.
Catalog #: UDCD 614
Style: Rock
Year: 1994
Format: FLAC (image +.cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 8
Size ZIP: ~ 278 mb
Password: without a password

Signals is the ninth studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released on September 9, 1982 by Anthem Records. After the release of their previous album, Moving Pictures, the band started to prepare material for a follow-up during soundchecks on their 1981 concert tour and during the mixing of their subsequent live album Exit...Stage Left. Signals demonstrates the group's continuing use of synthesizers, sequencers, and other electronic instrumentation. It is the last album produced by their longtime associate Terry Brown, who had worked with them since 1974.
Rush, MFSL
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Rush - Roll The Bones (1991) [Audio Fidelity 24KT+ Gold, 2011]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 734  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: Roll The Bones
Label: Audio Fidelity. Made in US.
Catalog #: AFZ 116
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 1991 (2011)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 331 mb
Password: without a password

Roll the Bones is the fourteenth studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released September 3, 1991 on Anthem Records. The band began working on Roll the Bones after a brief creative hiatus following the tour promoting their previous release, Presto.
Roll the Bones was a return to commercial success for the band, reaching No. 3 in the United States, No. 10 in the UK, and No. 11 in Canada. The album won a Juno Award for Best Album Design at the 1992 awards. In August 2001, the album was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America for selling one million copies in the US. It was remastered in 2004 and again in 2013 as part of The Studio Albums 1989–2007 box set. In 2015 it was reissued after being remastered by Sean Magee at Abbey Road Studios following a direct approach by Rush to remaster their entire back catalogue.
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Rush - Presto (1989) [Audio Fidelity 24KT+ Gold, 2014]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 837  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: Presto
Label: Audio Fidelity. Made in US.
Catalog #: AFZ 182
Style: Progressive Rock
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 11
Size ZIP: ~ 454 mb
Password: without a password
Presto is generally held by fans to have marked the beginning of a transition period, moving away from a sound dominated by synthesizers and toward more traditional rock instrumentation and pop songwriting.
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Rush - Permanent Waves (2007) [MFSL]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 5 991  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: Permanent Waves
Label: Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab. Made in US.
Catalog #: UDCD 772
Style: Rock
Year: 2007
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 6
Size ZIP: ~ 237 mb
Password: without a password

Permanent Waves is the seventh studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released on January 14, 1980, through Anthem Records. After touring to support their previous album, Hemispheres (1978), the band began working on new material for a follow-up album in July 1979. This material showed a shift in the group's sound towards more concise arrangements and radio friendly songs (such as "The Spirit of Radio" and "Freewill"), though their progressive rock blueprint is still evident on "Jacob's Ladder" and the more than nine-minute closer "Natural Science". Bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee also employed a more restrained vocal delivery compared to previous albums. Permanent Waves was recorded in 1979 at Le Studio in Morin-Heights, Quebec with production handled by the group and Terry Brown.
Rush, MFSL
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Rush - Moving Pictures (1992) [MFSL]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 5 317  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: Moving Pictures
Label: Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab. Made in US.
Catalog #: UDCD 569
Style: Rock
Year: 1992
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 7
Size ZIP: ~ 232 mb
Password: without a password

Moving Pictures is the eighth studio album by Canadian progressive rock band Rush, released on February 12, 1981 through Anthem Records. After touring to support their previous album, Permanent Waves (1980), the band started to write and record new material in August 1980 with co-producer Terry Brown. They continued to write songs with a more radio-friendly format, featuring tighter song structures and songs of shorter length compared with their earlier albums.
Rush, MFSL
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Rush - Counterparts (1993) [Audio Fidelity 24KT+ Gold, 2012]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 980  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: Counterparts
Label: Audio Fidelity. Made in US.
Catalog #: AFZ 152
Style: Progressive Rock, Alternative Rock
Year: 1993 (2012)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 11
Size ZIP: ~ 549 mb
Password: without a password

Counterparts is the fifteenth studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released October 19, 1993 on Anthem Records. After the band finished touring its previous album Roll the Bones (1991) in mid-1992, the members took a break before starting work on a follow-up.
Counterparts reached No. 2 in the United States, one of the band's two highest-charting albums in the country, and No. 6 in Canada. The first single, "Stick It Out", was No. 1 on the Billboard Album Rock Tracks chart for four weeks. In 1994, the instrumental "Leave That Thing Alone" was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. Counterparts was remastered in 2004 and reissued in 2013 as part of The Studio Albums 1989–2007 box set. In 2015 it was reissued after being remastered by Sean Magee at Abbey Road Studios following a direct approach by Rush to remaster their entire back catalogue.
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Rush - 2112 (1993) [MFSL]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 4 712  10.08.24 
Performer: Rush
Album: 2112
Label: Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab. Made in US.
Catalog #: UDCD-590
Style: Rock
Year: 1993
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 6
Size ZIP: ~ 229 mb
Password: without a password

2112 (pronounced "twenty-one twelve") is the fourth studio album by Canadian rock band Rush, released on 1 April 1976 (or March 1976, according to some sources) by Anthem Records. Rush finished touring for its unsuccessful previous album Caress of Steel, in early 1976. The band was in financial hardship due to the album's disappointing sales, unfavourable critical reception, and a decline in attendance at its shows. The band's international label, Mercury Records, considered dropping Rush but granted the band one more album following negotiations with manager Ray Danniels. Though the label demanded more commercial material, the band decided to continue developing its progressive rock sound. 2112 was recorded in February 1976 in Toronto with regular producer Terry Brown. Its centerpiece is a 20-minute title track, a futuristic science-fiction song that takes up the entire first side of the album. There are five individual tracks on side two.
Rush, MFSL
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