Fleetwood Mac - Then Play On [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 779  10.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Then Play On
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14579
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 13
Size ZIP: ~ 400 mb
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Password: without a password

Then Play On est le troisième album studio du groupe de blues rock britannique Fleetwood Mac, sorti fin 1969. Il s'agit du dernier album avec Peter Green et marque l'arrivée du guitariste Danny Kirwan au sein de la formation. À nouveau, Christine McVie assiste au piano mais à titre d'invitée seulement.
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Nirvana - Nirvana [SHM-CD] (2008) [Japan]

Music genres / Alternative, Punk, Independent maestro 0 232  10.08.24 
Performer: Nirvana
Album: Nirvana
Label: Universal Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: UICY-90832
Style: Rock, Alternative, Grunge
Year: 2002 (2008)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 16
Size ZIP: ~ 391 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Nirvana ist ein Best-of-Album der gleichnamigen US-amerikanischen Rockband Nirvana. Es wurde Ende Oktober 2002, mehr als acht Jahre nach Auflösung des Trios, über das Label Geffen Records veröffentlicht.

Nirvana - Nevermind [SHM-CD] (2008) [Japan]

Music genres / Alternative, Punk, Independent maestro 0 338  10.08.24 
Performer: Nirvana
Album: Nevermind
Label: Universal Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: UICY-91223
Style: Rock, Alternative, Grunge
Year: 1991 (2008)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 331 mb
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Nevermind es el segundo álbum de estudio de la banda estadounidense de grunge Nirvana, publicado el 24 de septiembre de 1991. Producido por Butch Vig, Nevermind fue el primer lanzamiento de la banda con DGC Records. El líder de la agrupación, Kurt Cobain, trató de hacer música fuera de los límites restrictivos de la escena grunge de Seattle, aprovechando la influencia de grupos como Pixies y su uso de la dinámica de canciones ruidosas y calmadas, con grandes composiciones y sonidos. Gracias a este álbum el género grunge se hizo conocido a nivel mundial, recibiendo una gran aceptación y aclamación por críticos especializados de música, quienes también consideran el álbum como uno de los mejores de la historia.

Scorpions - Rock Believer [SHM-CD] (2022) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 1 550  09.08.24 
Performer: Scorpions
Album: Rock Believer
Label: Vertigo Berlin, Universal Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: UICY-16053
Style: Hard Rock
Year: 2022
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 17
Size ZIP: ~ 527 mb
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Password: without a password
Rock Believer será el próximo décimo noveno álbum de estudio de la banda alemana de hard rock y heavy metal Scorpions, cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para el 22 de febrero de 2022 en Europa y el 25 de febrero en América del Norte.​ Este será el primer álbum de estudio de la banda con el baterista Mikkey Dee, quien reemplazó a James Kottak en 2016, y su primer álbum de estudio en siete años desde Return to Forever (2015), lo que lo convierte en la brecha más larga entre álbumes de estudio.
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Fleetwood Mac - Penguin [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 343  09.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Penguin
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14583
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 9
Size ZIP: ~ 338 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Penguin — сьомий студійний альбом британсько-американського гурту «Fleetwood Mac», представлений у березні 1973 року під лейблом «Reprise Records». Це перший альбом гурту після того, як колектив залишив Дені Кірван; перший альбом, у записі якого взяв участь Боб Вестон та єдиний альбом, над яким працював Дейв Вокер.
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Fleetwood Mac - Mystery To Me [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 389  01.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Mystery To Me
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14584
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 428 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Mystery to Me — восьмий студійний альбом британсько-американського гурту «Fleetwood Mac», представлений 15 жовтня 1973 року під лейблом «Reprise Records»
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Fleetwood Mac - Kiln House [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 223  01.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Kiln House
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14580
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 283 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Kiln House est le quatrième album studio du groupe britannique Fleetwood Mac, sorti fin 1969. C'est le premier où n'apparaît pas Peter Green, et le dernier enregistré avec Jeremy Spencer.
La pochette est une œuvre de Christine McVie, l'épouse du bassiste John McVie, qui rejoint officiellement le groupe peu après l'achèvement de l'album, elle a aussi assisté aux claviers et aux chœurs mais sans être créditée.
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Fleetwood Mac - Heroes Are Hard To Find [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 657  01.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Heroes Are Hard To Find
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14585
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 11
Size ZIP: ~ 320 mb
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Password: without a password

Heroes Are Hard to Find es el noveno álbum de estudio de la banda británica de rock Fleetwood Mac, publicado en 1974 por Reprise Records. Es el último disco con el guitarrista Bob Welch luego que, y tras terminar la gira correspondiente, renuncia por problemas personales. Por otro lado, es el primero que fue grabado íntegramente en los Estados Unidos.
Alcanzó la posición 34 en la lista Billboard 200 de los Estados Unidos, el más alto hasta ese momento en dicho país, mientras que en su propio país no debutó en las listas musicales convirtiéndose en el quinto álbum consecutivo con esta baja popularidad.
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Fleetwood Mac - Future Games [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 877  01.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Future Games
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14581
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 8
Size ZIP: ~ 332 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Future Games — п'ятий студійний альбом британського гурту «Fleetwood Mac», представлений 3 вересня 1971 року під лейблом «Reprise Records». Це перший альбом гурту після того, як Крістін МакВі стала повноцінним членом колективу. Також цей альбом став першим для гітариста Боба Велча. Після того, як колектив покинув Джеремі Спенсер, звучання пісень стало все більше відходити від джазу в сторону мелодійного поп-звучання, що привело гурт до популярності в США чотири роки по тому. Після того як альбом було завершено, представники лейблу повідомили, що не можуть випустити альбом, на якому лише 7 пісень, і вимагали записати ще одну пісню. У результаті гурт поспішно записав пісню «What a Shame».
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Fleetwood Mac - Bare Trees [SHM-CD] (2013) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 669  01.08.24 
Performer: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Bare Trees
Label: Reprise Records, Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-14582
Style: Blues Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 274 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Bare Trees è il sesto album del gruppo rock dei Fleetwood Mac, pubblicato nel 1972. È anche l'ultimo album del gruppo con il chitarrista Danny Kirwan, congedato durante il tour di promozione dell'album.
Sentimental Lady è stata registrata nuovamente successivamente da Bob Welch (insieme a Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Christine McVie e Lindsey Buckingham) per il suo album solista French Kiss.
Spare Me a Little of Your Love divenne poi un cavallo di battaglia delle esibizioni live della band tra il 1972 e il 1977.
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Nirvana - In Utero [SHM-CD] (2008) [Japan]

Music genres / Alternative, Punk, Independent maestro 0 540  01.08.24 
Performer: Nirvana
Album: In Utero
Label: Universal Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: UICY-91225
Style: Rock, Alternative, Grunge
Year: 1993 (2008)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 333 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

In Utero (en español: «En el útero») es el tercer y último álbum de estudio de la banda estadounidense de grunge Nirvana, lanzado en septiembre de 1993 por DGC Records. Nirvana pretendía que esta grabación sonara diferente a la pulida producción de su anterior álbum, Nevermind (1991). A fin de lograr un sonido más natural y áspero, el grupo contrató al productor Steve Albini para grabar In Utero durante un periodo de dos semanas en febrero de 1993, en Pachyderm Studio. La música se grabó rápidamente con pocos trucos de estudio, y las letras de las canciones y la presentación del álbum incorporaban imágenes médicas que transmitían los puntos de vista del líder Kurt Cobain sobre su vida personal, su reciente paternidad y la nueva fama de la banda.
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Nirvana - Bleach [SHM-CD] (2008) [Japan]

Music genres / Alternative, Punk, Independent maestro 0 6 330  01.08.24 
Performer: Nirvana
Album: Bleach
Label: Warner Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: WPCR-13269
Style: Rock, Alternative, Grunge
Year: 2008
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 13
Size ZIP: ~ 297 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Bleach had sold 40,000 copies in North America before the release of Nevermind. It has since been certified platinum by the RIAA and has sold more than 1.9 million copies in the United States alone. It is Sub Pop's best-selling album to date and is unlikely to be surpassed by competitors. Frontman Kurt Cobain's death in April 1994 also led to a resurgence in the album's popularity, reaching number one on the Top Pop Catalog Albums chart. In April 2019, Bleach was ranked No. 13 on Rolling Stone's 50 Greatest Grunge Albums list.
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Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky: The Very Best Of [SHM-CD] (2012) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 4 514  03.09.23 
Performer: Electric Light Orchestra
Album: Mr. Blue Sky: The Very Best Of
Label: Avalon. Made in JP.
Catalog #: MICP-30033
Style: Classic Rock, Symphonic Rock
Year: 2012
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 13
Size ZIP: ~ 399 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Jeff Lynne told Rolling Stone magazine that the idea came from him listening to the original Electric Light Orchestra recordings, and thinking that he could produce a better result having since had a long career as a record producer. Lynne decided to re-record a number of songs from scratch, and began with "Mr. Blue Sky". He told Rolling Stone: "I enjoyed doing that a lot, and when I listened back to it and compared it to the old one, I really liked it much better." It was suggested by his manager that Lynne record a few more versions of Electric Light Orchestra songs, the results being recordings of "Evil Woman" and "Strange Magic". Lynne also liked these versions, so he continued by producing a full album of re-recordings.
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Eric Clapton - 461 Ocean Boulevard [2SHM-CD] (2008) [Japan]

Music genres / Blues Rock maestro 0 5 887  08.05.23 
Performer: Eric Clapton
Album: 461 Ocean Boulevard: Deluxe Edition
Label: Polydor, Universal Music. Made in JP.
Catalog #: UICY-93630/1
Style: Blues, Rock
Year: 2008
Format: FLAC (image +.cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 15+11
Size ZIP: ~ 895 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

461 Ocean Boulevard is the second studio album by Eric Clapton that marked his return to recording after recovering from a three-year addiction to heroin. The album was released in late July 1974 for RSO Records, shortly after the record company released the hit single "I Shot the Sheriff" in early July the same year. The album topped various international charts and sold more than two million copies.
The album title refers to the address on Ocean Boulevard in Golden Beach, Florida where Clapton lived while recording the album. The street address of the house was changed after the album's release due to fans flocking to the property. The house has since been rebuilt and the street address restored.
A remastered two-disc deluxe edition of the album was released in 2004, which included a live concert recorded at the Hammersmith Odeon and additional studio jam sessions.
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Eric Clapton - Backless [SHM-CD] (2008) [Japan]

Music genres / Blues Rock maestro 0 773  08.05.23 
Performer: Eric Clapton
Album: Backless
Label: Polydor. Made in JP.
Catalog #: UICY-93636
Style: Blues, Rock
Year: 2008
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 244 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Backless — шестой студийный альбом Эрика Клэптона, выпущенный лейблом Polydor Records в ноябре 1978 года. Хотя Backless не смог повторить успех альбома Slowhand, он стал серебряным в Великобритании и платиновым в Канаде и США, а также достиг позиции 8 в Billboard 200.
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