Andrea Bocelli - Verdi (2000)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 3 696  24.11.19 
Performer: Andrea Bocelli
Album: Verdi
Label: Philips, Sugar Music. Made in US.
Catalog #: 289 464 600-2
Style: Classical
Year: 2000
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 15
Size RAR: ~ 254 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password
  • 100

Andrea Bocelli - Viaggio Italiano (1997)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 4 251  24.11.19 
Performer: Andrea Bocelli
Album: Viaggio Italiano
Label: Polydor. Made in Netherlands.
Catalog #: 533 123-2
Style: Classical
Year: 1997
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 16
Size RAR: ~ 327 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password
  • 100

Andrea Bocelli - Requiem [2CD] (2001)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 3 859  12.11.19 
Performer: Andrea Bocelli
Album: Requiem
Style: Classical
Year: 2001
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 15
Size RAR: ~ 322 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password
  • 100

Gheorghe Zamfir - Zamfir а Paris (1978)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 3 255  07.11.19 
Performer: Gheorghe Zamfir
Album: Zamfir а Paris
Catalog #: 32 272-2
Style: Easy Listening, Instrumental
Year: 1978
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 9
Size ZIP: ~ 360 mb
Password: without a password
  • 100

Hayley Westenra - Winter Magic (2009)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 4 692  31.10.19 
Performer: Hayley Westenra
Album: Winter Magic
Label: Decca Records
Catalog #: 4782213
Style: Vocal, Classical
Year: 2009
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 14
Size ZIP: ~ 240 mb
Password: without a password
  • 100

James Last and His Orchestra - The Best Of James Last [2CD] (1994)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 6 709  14.09.19 
Performer: James Last and His Orchestra
Album: The Best Of James Last 2CD
Label: Polydor GmbH. Made in DE.
Catalog #: 521 843-2
Style: Instrumental
Year: 1994
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 36
Size ZIP: ~ 893 mb
Password: without a password
  • 100

Emma Shapplin - The Concert In Caesarea (2003)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 5 016  07.03.19 
Performer: Emma Shapplin
Album: The Concert In Caesarea
Label: EMI. Made in EU.
Catalog #: 724359320823
Style: Neoclassicism, Pop, Electro rock
Year: 2003
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 11
Size ZIP: ~ 329 mb
Password: without a password

Le Concert de Caesarea is the first live album and DVD by singer Emma Shapplin. It is a recording of Shapplin's first concert in Israel, a concert held in the ancient city of Caesarea in 1999. The album was written, composed and produced by Jean-Patrick Capdevielle.

Steve Reich - Pulse / Quartet (2018)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental Chaton 0 960  04.03.19 
Performer: Steve Reich
Album: Pulse / Quartet
Label: Nonesuch Records. Made in EU.
Catalog #: 7559-79324-3
Style: Classical, Minimalism
Year: 2018
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 04
Size RAR: ~ 166 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

"Pulse/Quartet" presents two contrasting works from revered US composer Steve Reich in counter-chronological order. Written in 2015 for winds, strings, piano and electric bass, Pulse is a lush, almost pastoral work, reportedly inspired by Daft Punk and played here by trailblazing New York collective, the International Contemporary Ensemble. Quartet, completed two years previously, is more typically Reichian, a three-part work for two pianos and two vibraphones in which the pulse is the main character.

DaGamba - #LudwigVanRammstein (2017)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental Chaton 0 1 001  04.03.19 
Performer: DaGamba
Album: #LudwigVanRammstein
Label: --. Made in EU.
Catalog #: --
Style: Classical Crossover
Year: 2017
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (96 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 08
Size RAR: ~ 309 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

DaGamba - Recycled (2015)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental Chaton 0 1 211  04.03.19 
Performer: DaGamba
Album: Recycled
Label: --. Made in EU.
Catalog #: --
Style: Modern Classical
Year: 2015
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (1200 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 10
Size RAR: ~ 379 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Латвийская группа DaGamba приобрела всемирную славу своим креативным подходом к классическому репертуару. Группа, созданная в 2011 году, сегодня ставит рекорды по просмотрам в социальных сетях и с ошеломительным успехом выступает на самом большом фестивале мира Glastonbury (Великобритания). руппа специализируется на исполнении музыки в стиле crossover и fusion, при этом используя нетрадиционный набор инструментов – звук виолончели и фортепиано переплетается с восточной перкуссией. В 2015 году музыканты представили свой новый альбом Recycled, в котором постарались диаметрально изменить сложившееся у слушателей мнение о классической музыке, проводя невероятно смелые эксперименты со звуком. Смелые и захватывающие аранжировки композиций, на создание которых музыкантов вдохновили гранды классической музыки, объединили разные времена и музыкальные стили – Бах отправляется в Иран, Прокофьев встречается с рыцарем из фильма Knight Rider, а Моцарт делится опытом с Radiohead.

DaGamba - Seasons (2016)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental Chaton 0 2 181  04.03.19 
Performer: DaGamba
Album: Seasons
Label: --. Made in EU.
Catalog #: --
Style: Modern Classical
Year: 2016
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (1200 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 09
Size RAR: ~ 252 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Группа DaGamba ворвалась в музыкальный мир с уникальным и мощным звучанием, соединяя музыкальные культуры Востока и Запада. Яркое, динамическое исполнение открывает до этого неисследованную территорию звуков в совершенно новом небывалом амплуа. Музыка, аранжированная Валтерсом Пуце, столь же впечатляюще вне зависимости исполняют ли они Бетховена или Led Zeppelina. В репертуаре группы DaGamba совмещены world, рок, поп и классический стиль музыки.

Kurt Weill - Die Dreigroschenoper (1958) [Released 1982]

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 2 519  22.10.18 
Performer: Kurt Weill
Album: Die Dreigroschenoper
Label: CBS
Catalog #: MK 42637
Style: Opera
Year: 1958 (1982)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 26
Size ZIP: ~ 354 mb
Password: without a password
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Luciano Pavarotti - The Best [2CD] (2007)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 4 356  12.10.18 
Performer: Luciano Pavarotti
Album: The Best
Label: Юниверсал Мьюзик. Made in RU.
Catalog #: 260 058 1 DX2
Style: Clasical, Opera
Year: 2007
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 35
Password: without a password
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Beethoven - Sonatas for Piano and Violin (2006)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 3 412  08.10.18 
Performer: Beethoven
Album: Sonatas for Piano and Violin
Style: Classical
Year: 2006
Format: APE (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 380 mb
Password: without a password
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Ricky King - The Golden Guitar Hits 3CD (2008)

Music genres / Classic, Instrumental maestro 0 5 810  08.10.18 
Performer: Ricky King
Album: The Golden Guitar Hits
Genre: Instrumental
Year: 2008
Format: APE (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 42
Size RAR: ~ 884mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password
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