Procol Harum - A & B The Singles [3CD] (2002)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 313  07.09.18 
Performer: Procol Harum
Album: A & B The Singles
Label: Repertoire. Made in DE.
Catalog #: REP 4971
Style: Blues Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock, Classic Rock
Year: 2002
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 57
Size ZIP: ~ 1.27 gb
Password: without a password

Singles, A's and B's

Triple CD album from Repertoire, August 2002

This must surely be the most lavish and welcome Procol compilation ever released: 56 tracks, all the A and B sides from 1967 to 2002, with lavish photographs and comprehensive liner notes. All collectors will prize this album, not least since it includes Adagio di Albinoni and the live Blue Danube that was its B side ... items too precious to play from the rare vinyl versions. A few links, on the rarer titles, will take you to further, explanatory articles. A direct link to order this album (in Europe or in America) is available at the foot of the page.
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Zucchero - Sugar Fornaciari - All The Best (2007)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 460  31.03.18 
Performer: Zucchero
Album: All The Best
Label: Polydor, Universal. Made in RU.
Catalog #: 460502601367
Style: Rock, Blues
Year: 2007
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 18
Size ZIP: ~ 543 mb
Password: without a password
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Zucchero - Una Rosa Blanca [2CD] (2013)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 886  31.03.18 
Performer: Zucchero
Album: Una Rosa Blanca
Label: Universal Music. Made in IT.
Catalog #: 0602537642588
Style: Rock, Blues
Year: 2013
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 27
Size ZIP: ~ 1.06 gb
Password: without a password
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VA - Guitar Battle [Japan] (1997)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 5 536  25.03.18 
Performer: VA
Album: Guitar Battle
Label: Victor Entertainment. Made in JP.
Catalog #: VICP-60188
Style: Instrumental, Guitar Rock
Year: 1997
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 6
Size ZIP: ~ 256 mb
Password: without a password
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Porcupine Tree - On the Sunday of Life (1992) [Remastered 1997]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 792  25.03.18 
Performer: Porcupine Tree
Album: On The Sunday Of Life
Label: Delerium Records. Made in UK.
Catalog #: DELEC CD 008
Style: Space Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock
Year: 1992 (1997)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 18
Size ZIP: ~ 478 mb
Password: without a password
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Porcupine Tree - On The Sunday Of Life... (1992) [Edition 2007]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 919  25.03.18 
Performer: Porcupine Tree
Album: On The Sunday Of Life...
Label: Kscope. Made in UK.
Catalog #: KSCOPE122M
Style: Space Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock
Year: 1992 (2007)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 18
Size ZIP: ~ 555 mb
Password: without a password
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Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 738  25.03.18 
Performer: Judas Priest
Album: Painkiller
Label: Epic, Sony Records. Made in JP.
Catalog #: ESCA 5159
Style: Rock, Heavy Metal
Year: 1990
Format: FLAC (image +.cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 357 mb
Password: without a password
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Lacrimosa - Revolution (2012)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Chaton 0 4 242  16.03.18 
Performer: Lacrimosa
Album: Revolution
Label: Hall Of Sermon. Made in Switzerland.
Catalog #: HOS 8030
Style: Rock, Symphonic Gothic Metal
Year: 2012
Format: FLAC (image+ .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size RAR: 342 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

7 сентября 2012 года состоялся выпуск одиннадцатого студийного альбома швейцарской готик-метал группы Lacrimosa. В записи были заняты музыканты из групп Kreator, Accept и Evil Masquerade. Автором обложки стал по традиции художник Штелио Диамантопоулос, создавший для Lacrimosa обложки всех её предыдущих полноформатных и концертных альбомов. В поддержку альбома "Revolution" на осень 2012 года запланирован европейский тур группы. В ходе тура намечены концерты в Австрии, Германии, Польше, Чехии и Швейцарии. Первое выступление должно состояться 23 сентября в Варшаве.
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Grave Digger - Ballads Of A Hangman (2009)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 4 097  28.02.18 
Performer: Grave Digger
Album: Ballads Of A Hangman
Label: Napalm Records. AU.
Catalog #: NPR 271
Style: Heavy Metal
Year: 2009
Format: APE (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 439 mb
Password: without a password
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Y & T - Mean Streak (1983) [Reissue 2008]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 826  28.02.18 
Performer: Y & T
Album: Mean Streak
Label: Krescendo Records
Catalog #: KRECD19
Style: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Year: 1983 (2008)
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 9
Size ZIP: ~ 286 mb
Password: without a password
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Joe Perry - Sweetzerland Manifesto (2018)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Chaton 0 765  18.02.18 
Performer: Joe Perry
Album: Sweetzerland Manifesto
Label: Roman Records. Made in AR.
Catalog #: RMR 001
Style: Hard Rock
Year: 2018
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (96 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 10
Size RAR: ~ 391 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Джо Перри играет на гитаре с 10 лет, основатель группы Aerosmith. Один из самых-самых гитарных героев нашего времени. Под финал грандиозного рок-джема накануне релиза «Sweetzerland Manifesto» Джо сам завелся настолько, что разбил в щепки свою гитару. Новый альбом - это настоящий классический грязный риффовый рок, без дисциплины, без упора, расхлябанный местами, то качающий в сторону востока, то на всех парусах уплывающий на запад. И это очень интересно с точки зрения звукоизвлечения, это дико заводит и прибавляет сил всем, кто в них нуждается.
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Joe Perry - Have Guitar, Will Travel (2009)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Chaton 0 848  18.02.18 
Performer: Joe Perry
Album: Have Guitar, Will Trave
Label: Roman Records ‎. Made in US.
Catalog #: RMCD3800
Style: Rock & Roll, Hard Rock, Classic Rock
Year: 2009
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size RAR: ~ 336 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Aerosmith Guitar legend Joe Perry returns with his fifth solo release with Have Guitar, Will TraveL, which offers nine original tracks(plus one cover song)of mostly guitar-smoldering rock that takes its’roots from Aerosmith per-say, but also infuses a variety of textures that are "all Joe."
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Joe Perry - Joe Perry (2005)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Chaton 0 908  18.02.18 
Performer: Joe Perry
Album: Joe Perry
Label: Roman Records ‎. Made in UK.
Catalog #: 519822 2
Style: Rock & Roll, Hard Rock, Classic Rock
Year: 2018
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 13
Size RAR: ~ 387 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Первый сольный альбом Joe Perry, гитариста Aerosmith, вышел 3 мая 2005 года и первый вне проекта The Joe Perry Project. Альбом заял 110 место в чарте Billboard, был выпущен как обычный компакт-диск и DualDisc. Джо Перри исполнил все партии гитары, баса, клавишных и вокала, оставив только ударные и перкуссию для со-продюсера альбома Paul Caruso. На диск вошел кавер песни "The Crystal Ship" группы The Doors.
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Alex Beyrodt's Voodoo Circle - Raised on Rock (2018)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Chaton 0 917  17.02.18 
Performer: Alex Beyrodt's Voodoo Circle
Album: Raised on Rock
Label: AFM Records. Made in DE.
Catalog #: AFM 603-9
Style: Classic Hard Rock
Year: 2018
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 13
Size RAR: ~ 468 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

The German classic hard rock band Voodoo Circle, known for their catchy rock songs, comes up with their 5th studio album ‘Raised On Rock’, which will be available as a CD, a digipack and Vinyl. With a skull wearing a tall hat covered with voodoo dolls this album cover suits the band name and the title perfectly. It will be the first album with Herbie Langhans (Avantasia) who joined the band last year after David Readman‘s departure in 2016.

Rick Springfield - The Snake King (2018)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock Chaton 0 946  17.02.18 
Performer: Rick Springfield
Album: The Snake King
Label: Frontiers Records. Made in US.
Catalog #: FR CD 840
Style: Blues Rock, Rock
Year: 2018
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 12
Size RAR: ~ 849 mb
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

The Snake King is Springfield’s seventeenth proper album. The man is truly on a roll. Just fresh from his trek to the countryside in 2016, yet here he is again in his new skin, snaking his way into and out of the bittersweet scales of the Blues and Classic Rock and bits of his usual Pop and then a spoonful of Rock-n-Roll lovin’.