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David Cassidy - Then And Now (2001)

Releases FM / Pop maestro 0 2 590  29.10.24 
Performer: David Cassidy
Album: Then And Now
Label: Universal TV. Made in UK.
Catalog #: 0160822
Style: Pop
Year: 2001
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 22
Size ZIP: ~ 605 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

While both David Cassidy and the Partridge Family have been at least partially anthologized over the years, it remains a thing of wonder that nobody has yet sat down to compile the best of both into one all-encompassing package -- all the more so since Cassidy's personal appeal remains as high as any '70s icon could dream of climbing. Cassidy himself has toyed with his past on occasion, with releases ranging from a mid-'80s live hits album to the savage reinvention of "I Think I Love You," which so dignified his 1998 Slamajama album.
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David Bowie - Station To Station (1991)

Releases FM / Pop Rock, Soft Rock maestro 0 4 376  29.10.24 
Performer: David Bowie
Album: Station To Station
Label: EMI. Made in UK.
Catalog #: CDP 79 6435 2
Style: Classic Rock, Glam Rock
Year: 1991
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 8
Size ZIP: ~ 348 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Station to Station is the 10th studio album by English musician David Bowie, released on 23 January 1976 by RCA Records. In early 1975, Bowie moved to Los Angeles, California to shoot a role for Nicolas Roeg's film The Man Who Fell to Earth. His role in the film would heavily influence him and his next onstage persona for the rest of the year. Having developed an addiction to cocaine the previous year, Bowie's mental state deteriorated rapidly during his time in the city, affecting numerous personal relationships. The commercial success of his previous album Young Americans (1975) allowed him greater freedom when he began recording his next album.
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David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) (1999)

Releases FM / Pop Rock, Soft Rock maestro 0 3 741  29.10.24 
Performer: David Bowie
Album: Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
Label: ArsNova Records. Made in RU.
Catalog #: AN99-0358
Style: Pop Rock, Synth-pop
Year: 1999
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 14
Size ZIP: ~ 419 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), also known simply as Scary Monsters, is the 14th studio album by English musician David Bowie, released on 12 September 1980 by RCA Records. Over the previous three years, Bowie had garnered massive artistic success with the "Berlin Trilogy", which consisted of Low, "Heroes" and Lodger (1977–1979). However, the trilogy had proven less successful commercially. By 1980, numerous artists Bowie had inspired with the trilogy were out-performing him commercially, leading him to desire a more commercial sound for his next record.
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David Bowie - Lodger (1991)

Releases FM / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 640  29.10.24 
Performer: David Bowie
Album: Lodger
Label: EMI. Made in NL.
Catalog #: CDP 79 7724 2
Style: Classic Rock, Glam Rock
Year: 1991
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 312 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Lodger is the thirteenth studio album by English singer-songwriter David Bowie, released in 1979. The last of the 'Berlin Trilogy' recorded in collaboration with Brian Eno, it was produced in Switzerland and New York City, and was more accessible than its immediate predecessors Low and "Heroes", having no instrumentals and being somewhat lighter and more pop-oriented. It was still an experimental record in many ways and was not, by Bowie's standards, a major commercial success. Indifferently received by critics on its initial release, it is now widely considered, along with other albums such as Diamond Dogs, to be one of Bowie's most underrated albums.
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David Bowie - Changesbowie (1990)

Releases FM / Pop Rock, Soft Rock maestro 0 6 011  29.10.24 
Performer: David Bowie
Album: Changesbowie
Label: EMI. Made in NL.
Catalog #: CDP 79 4180 2
Style: Classic Rock, Glam Rock
Year: 1990
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 18
Size ZIP: ~ 542 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Changesbowie is een compilatiealbum van de Britse muzikant David Bowie, uitgebracht in 1990. Het album vervangt de vorige compilatiealbums van de zanger, Changesonebowie en Changestwobowie, die waren uitgebracht toen hij nog onder contract stond bij het platenlabel RCA Records.
Hoewel het album volgens velen amateuristisch was (zo noemde auteur David Buckley, die het boek Strange Fascination – David Bowie: The Definitive Story schreef, het een "knip- en plakplaatje uit de zesde klas"), was het het eerste Bowie-album dat in Engeland op de eerste plaats terechtkwam sinds Tonight uit 1984. Tevens was het zijn zevende album die op nummer 1 binnenkwam in de albumlijsten, iets dat geen enkele artiest heeft gepresteerd.
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Darren Hayes - Spin (2002)

Releases FM / Pop maestro 0 3 453  29.10.24 
Performer: Darren Hayes
Album: Spin
Label: Sony Music. Made in EU.
Catalog #: 507792.2
Style: Pop
Year: 2002
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 13
Size ZIP: ~ 524 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Spin is the first solo album released by ex-Savage Garden member Darren Hayes. The album was mixed by Chris Lord-Alge and produced by Walter Afanasieff. It was released in Australia in March 2002 and reached the rest of the world later that year. The album has sold over two million copies as of 2011.
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Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus (2005)

Releases FM / Metal, Heavy, Power maestro 0 3 210  29.10.24 
Performer: Dark Funeral
Album: Attera Totus Sanctus
Label: Moon Records. Made in UA.
Catalog #: MR 2035-2
Style: Black Metal
Year: 2005
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 08
Size ZIP: ~ 436 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Attera Totus Sanctus (intended Latin translation of "Destroy All the Holy") is Dark Funeral's fourth full-length studio album. It was released on October 24, 2005, in Europe through Regain Records, and on November 29, 2005, in the United States through Candlelight Records USA. The title was chosen to convey the band's vehement anti–Right-Hand Path stance. This album also marked the end of vocalist Emperor Magus Caligula's role as a bassist for Dark Funeral, both studio and live. Attera Totus Sanctus is the first album to feature guitarist Chaq Mol and the last album to feature drummer Matte Modin.
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Daniel Powter - Daniel Powter (2005)

Releases FM / Alternative, Punk, Independent maestro 0 3 547  29.10.24 
Performer: Daniel Powter
Album: Daniel Powter
Label: Warner Bros. Records. Made in EU.
Catalog #: 9362-49332-2
Style: Alternative Rock, Acoustic, Pop Rock
Year: 2005
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 302 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Daniel Powter (also known as DP) is the self-titled debut studio album by Canadian singer-songwriter Daniel Powter, released on July 26, 2005 in Canada and on April 11, 2006 in the United States. The album debuted at #9 on the Billboard 200 with 89,213 copies sold that week.
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David Essex - Back To Back (1994)

Releases FM / Pop maestro 0 2 395  29.10.24 
Performer: David Essex
Album: Back To Back
Label: PolyGram TV. Made in UK.
Catalog #: 523 790-2
Style: Pop
Year: 1994
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 342 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password
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David Coverdale - Into The Light (2000)

Releases FM / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 4 111  29.10.24 
Performer: David Coverdale
Album: Into The Light
Label: EMI, Gala Records. Made in RU.
Catalog #: 0946357960 2 5
Style: Hard Rock
Year: 2000
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 455 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Into the Light is the third solo album by David Coverdale. It was released in September 2000.
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Dispatched - Motherwar (2000)

Music genres / Metal, Heavy, Power Scullplug 0 1 386  26.10.24 
Performer: Dispatched
Album: Motherwar
Label: Music For Nations. Made in UK.
Catalog #: CDMFN 259
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Year: 2000
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 9
Size RAR: ~ 398 mb
Upload: Nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Да конечно же очередной шведский дэз-метал!Но. Кроме шведских мелодий здесь можно услышать Бетховена и Моцарта - прикиньте в дэз-метал обработке вставки из классики. Это вам не Ванюха Майская.Команда, которая выпустила кучу мини теперь разродилась альбомом на 47 минут! Это - прогресс.Ураганный кавер Europe "The Final Countdown".И в завершение 14-тиминутный(!) гимн Dispatched.Классический гетеборгский звук и качественное звучание.Приятно будет послушать не один раз.

Death In June - The Rule Of Thirds (2008)

Music genres / Metal, Heavy, Power Scullplug 0 1 526  26.10.24 
Performer: Death In June
Album: The Rule Of Thirds
Label: New European Recordings. Made in USA.
Catalog #: BAD VCCD51
Style: Dark Folk
Year: 2008
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 13
Size RAR: ~ 332 mb
Upload: Nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Старые поклонники DIJ наверняка давно не ждут от группы чего-то такого, что заставило бы встрепенуться или погрузиться во мрак как при прослушивании старых альбомов. С первой же песни нас встречает всё то же акустическое треньканье, формула которого была изобретена ещё в середине 90-х. Альбом достаточно ровный, если не сказать однообразный. Обилием запоминающихся ходов не блещет. И, как мне показалось, стал более позитивным в плане звучания. Этакий пространственный акустический фолк. Однако же, есть в этом альбоме свои небольшие жемчужины. Так, песня «Good Mourning Sun» ненадолго отсылает нас к концу 80-х-началу 90-х, когда была написана гениальная «Fall Apart». Во второй половине альбома дядька Пирс вспоминает о своём индустриальном прошлом и в песне «My Rhine Atrocity» и далее мы можем слышать различные шумовые подложки из голосов, синтезаторных и «урбанистических» звуков. Но опять же, это как подложка, акустическая гитара на первом плане.

Death SS - Heavy Demons (1991)

Music genres / Metal, Heavy, Power Scullplug 0 571  26.10.24 
Performer: Death SS
Album: Heavy Demons
Label: Rosemary's. Made In Italy.
Catalog #: Babedisc 002
Style: Horror Hard 'n' Heavy
Year: 1991
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 16
Size RAR: ~ 489 mb
Upload: Nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Работой "Death SS" заинтересовались за пределами Италии, и следующую пластинку курировал штатный продюсер немецкой конторы "Noise Records" Свен Конквест. Этот товарищ здорово подчистил звук, однако в общеевропейскую дистрибуцию "Heavy Demons" не пошел из-за пресловутых "эсэсовских" буквочек. Пришлось команде временно поменять свое название, и зальник "The Cursed Concert" вышел уже под маркой "Sylvester's Death". В 1994-м Сильвестер выпустил дум-металлический сольник "Free Man", и хотя в работе над пластинкой ему помог Пол Чэйн, воссоединения музыкантов в проекте "Death SS" так и не произошло.

Death Angel - Humanicide (2019)

Music genres / Metal, Heavy, Power Scullplug 0 626  26.10.24 
Performer: Death Angel
Album: Humanicide
Label: Nuclear Blast. Made in USA.
Catalog #: NB 4888-0
Style: Thrash Metal
Year: 2019
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 11
Size RAR: ~ 545 mb
Upload: Nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

а единственная претензия могла заключаться лишь в неудачном выборе даты релиза – где-то посередине между новыми, на тот момент, альбомами Megadeth и Metallica, что предвещало почти 100% информационное прозябание в тени более крупных «особей» жанра – как ни крути, а одна обложка «Hardwired…» вызвала куда больший интерес, нежели целый альбом Смертельного Ангела... Впрочем, оставим нытьё – несмотря ни на что, свои заслуженные дивиденды эта работа всё-таки получила.

Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction (2011)

Music genres / Metal, Heavy, Power Scullplug 0 3 637  26.10.24 
Performer: Devin Townsend Project
Album: Deconstruction
Label: Inside Out Music. Made in Germany.
Catalog #: 0505552
Style: Avantgarde Metal
Year: 2011
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 09
Size RAR: ~ 611 mb
Upload: Nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Devin Townsend Project - одна из групп созданных Девином Таунсендом, лидером известной команды Strapping Young Lad . Также на счету этого талантливого музыканта есть другие команды, носящие его имя, Devin Townsend и The Devin Townsend Band. Их не следует путать, несмотря на их практически идентичные названия и похожий стиль музыки.
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