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Jon Larsen - Strange News From Mars (2007)

Music genres / Jazz, Early Jazz, Swing, Gypsy, Bob maestro 0 1 713  18.11.14 
Performer: Jon Larsen
Album: Strange News From Mars
Label: Zonic Entertainment. Made in NO.
Catalog #: ZEN 2001
Style: Jazz, Swing, Fusion
Year: 2007
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 20
Size ZIP: ~ 274 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
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Larsen is a Norwegian string swing guitar virtuoso, and not the one we would suspect to record music inspired by Frank Zappa. This production is noteworthy for the way it accurately resembles the more jazzy excursions of Zappa, as well as for the fact that former Mothers of Invention members Tommy Mars, Bruce Fowler, Arthur Barrow and Jimmy Carl Black appear on it. In fact Barrow engineered the recording and Mars plays keyboards throughout, with Fowler adding some delicious trombone.
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Jackie DeShannon - You Know Me (2000)

Music genres / Pop maestro 0 1 285  13.11.14 
Performer: Jackie DeShannon
Album: You Know Me
Label: Varese Sarabande. Made in US.
Catalog #: 302 066 169 2
Style: Pop, Folk Pop, Rock
Year: 2000
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 14
Size ZIP: ~ 390 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
Password: without a password

It takes a few spins to understand, and it is one of this prolific singer's many, many recordings, but when you spend some quality time with You Know Me, it starts unraveling its secrets in ways that only a truly great recording can. "Any Heart" is pure power, with the band weaving textures around Jackie DeShannon's distinctive vocal, the guitar relentless as it sustains the wall of sound. A true labor of love, few artists can produce a song this strong, and the fact that it follows three equally powerful compositions is evidence of the majesty that sweeps across all 14 tracks.
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Jackie DeShannon - Come And Get Me - Best Of 1958-1980 (2000)

Music genres / Pop maestro 0 2 465  13.11.14 
Performer: Jackie DeShannon
Album: Come And Get Me - Best Of 1958-1980
Label: Raven Records. Made in AU.
Catalog #: RVCD-106
Style: Pop, Folk Pop, Rock
Year: 2000
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 29
Size ZIP: ~ 537 mb
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29 tracks and over 75 minutes of music, spotlighting the singer/songwriter's illustrious career.
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Jerzy Antczak - Ego, Georgius (2014)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 029  07.11.14 
Performer: Jerzy Antczak
Album: Ego, Georgius
Label: Lynx Music. Made in PL.
Catalog #: LM 94CD-DG
Style: Progressive Rock, Polish Prog, Electronic
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 12
Size ZIP: ~ 344 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
Password: without a password

Ego, Georgius - solowa płyta Jerzego Antczaka - gitarzysty zespołu Albion.
Materiał muzyczny zawarty na płycie to mikstura egzotycznych dźwięków, kosmicznych klimatów, efektów oraz solówek gitarowych spiętych w trwającą ponad 55 minut suitę. Autor mówi: Pierwsze nuty z tej płyty narodziły się w mojej głowie dwa lata temu. Moim zamysłem było skomponowanie muzyki filmowej jednak im dłużej nad nią pracowałem tym bardziej przybierała ona układ "songów" łączących się w jeden spójny tematycznie projekt, który dojrzewał do formy krążka CD. "Ego, Georgius" to bardzo osobista płyta. Wyraz mojego eskapizmu. Uciekam przez ludźmi, religią, polityką, ideologią, zakłamaniem i "hejtem". Uciekam w siebie i w świat dźwięków grających w mojej duszy.
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Jeff LaBar - One For The Road (2014)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 1 483  07.11.14 
Performer: Jeff LaBar
Album: One For The Road
Label: Rat Pak Records. Made in US.
Catalog #: RPR603060
Style: Hard Rock, Glam Rock
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 7
Size ZIP: ~ 190 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
Password: without a password

Дебютный альбом гитариста из мега-популярной американской группы CINDERELLA, выдержан в классическом стиле хард и глэм рока, а-ля Cinderella, Motley Crue и WASP. Альбом мелодичен и не режет слух. Джефф Лабар (Jeff Labar) пригласил басистку из Нэшвилла Жасмин Кейн (Jasmine Cain) и ее группу аккомпанировать ему на сольных концертах. Лабар, который живет в Нэшвилле и недавно выпустил дебютный сольный альбом "One For The Road", сказал: "Я назначил несколько концертов – собираюсь попробовать, что получится. Я никогда раньше не был фронтменом, вокалистом группы, но хочу попробовать себя в этой роли 15 ноября в Индианаполисе и еще на нескольких концертах в декабре. Но я думаю, что в следующем году начну выступать более активно вместе с моей басисткой, которую зовут Жасмин Кейн. Она играет на басу в моем видеоклипе 'No Strings', а еще она сама поет и пишет песни". В группу Кейн также входят Зак Баллард (Zach Ballard, барабаны) и Бенджамин Джонсон (Benjamin Johnson, гитара). Лабар продолжил: "Фактически, мне аккомпанирует ее группа. Они, так сказать, взяли меня под свое крыло. Наши с Жасмин пути неоднократно пересекались на протяжении многих лет, но только в моем видеоклипе у нас впервые появилась возможность поработать вместе. Теперь попробуем, что получится живьем".
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John Petrucci - Suspended Animation (2005)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock mrfitn 0 3 419  02.11.14 
Performer: John Petrucci
Album: Suspended Animation
Label: Sound Mind Music. Made in U.S.A.
Catalog #: Sound Mind Music 20052, 852210001000-7
Style: Instrumental Progressive Metal
Year: 2005
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 08
Size RAR: ~ 473 mb
Upload: letitbit.net, vip-file.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

"Suspended Animation" - сольный альбом гитариста DREAM THEATER, имя которому John Petrucci. В помощь он себе взял басиста Dave LaRue и барабанщика Dave DiCenso. Но, как и ожидалось, их присутствие здесь хоть и необходимо, но практически не обращает на себе никакого внимания. Ибо каждая секунда альбома целиком и полностью отдается могущественным гитарным струнам Джона. Маэстро самозабвенно виртуозит и делает это так, что большинство якобы профессиональных гитаристов наверняка захотят забросить свои инструменты подальше на антресоли – им так сыграть не дано."
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Jhelisa - Language Electric (1997)

Music genres / Jazz, Early Jazz, Swing, Gypsy, Bob maestro 0 1 459  01.11.14 
Performer: Jhelisa
Album: Language Electric
Label: Dorado. Made in UK.
Catalog #: DORO56CD
Style: Acid Jazz, Funk, Soul, Electronic
Year: 1997
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 11
Size ZIP: ~ 294 mb
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Jhelisa's second album for Dorado finds her delving into darker territory, both musically and lyrically -- with themes ranging from child abuse to pre-arranged marriage. Her own arrangements and music-writing enhance the personality of Language Electric, and the mood is understated, though the range of sounds -- from loose funk and ambient soul to occasional techno -- sounds more reminiscent of her work with the Shamen. Fellow Dorado act Outside (Matt Cooper) sits in on piano.
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Jhelisa - Galactica Rush (1994)

Music genres / Jazz, Early Jazz, Swing, Gypsy, Bob maestro 0 1 512  01.11.14 
Performer: Jhelisa
Album: Galactica Rush
Label: Dorado. Made in UK.
Catalog #: DORO26 CD
Style: Acid Jazz, Funk, Soul, Electronic
Year: 1994
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 9
Size ZIP: ~ 328 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
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Jhelisa's debut album, Galactica Rush, wears its acid jazz credentials proudly on its sleeve - and why not? For the genre, it's certainly strong example to follow, blending beats with psychedelia and Jhelisa's accomplished vocal work. The title track, for instance, swirls around with layers of squealing horns and a sudden exclamation, "12 little kitties in a cardboard box!" Acid, indeed. The humorous personal manifesto of "There's Nothing Wrong" gives us Jhelisa at her most individualistically defiant, while "Hold My Peace" lends some political action to that defiance. With production from Cool Breeze, the album shows its lighter side on "Whirl Keeps Turning" or the cleverly tongue-in-cheek "Death of a Soul Diva." And I don't have to mention the now-classic "Friendly Pressure"; it speaks for itself. And the three lullaby-like tracks that close out the album show off Jhelisa's more maternal side as well.
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Jon Lord - Celebrating Jon Lord [3CD] (2014) [Japan]

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 334  01.11.14 
Performer: Jon Lord
Album: Celebrating Jon Lord
Label: Ear Music, Ward Records. Made in JP.
Catalog #: VQCX-10144/45/46
Style: Rock
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: many
Size ZIP: ~ 1.41 gb
Upload: letitbit.net
Password: without a password
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James Williamson - Re-Licked (2014)

Music genres / Alternative, Punk, Independent maestro 0 2 414  01.11.14 
Performer: James Williamson
Album: Re-Licked
Label: Leopard Lady Records. Made in US.
Catalog #: 3
Style: Rock, Punk Rock
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 16
Size ZIP: ~ 471 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
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While on a break from touring this year, the members of the live touring version of The Stooges (James Williamson, Steve Mackay, Mike Watt & drummer Toby Dammit) got together and recorded songs that were originally penned by Iggy Pop and James Williamson in 1973/74 as the follow-up to their quintessential album Raw Power. While a number of these tracks have found their way onto inferior-sounding bootlegs and unofficial releases over the years, they were never properly recorded since the band didn’t have a record deal at the time.
Williamson always wanted to revisit these songs and has done so with a powerhouse lineup of musicians and singers who don’t disappoint on his forthcoming solo album entitled Re-Licked.
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Jimmy Page - Outrider (1988)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 800  31.10.14 
Performer: Jimmy Page
Album: Outrider
Label: Geffen Records. Made in DE.
Catalog #: GED 24 188, GEFD 24 188
Style: Blues Rock, Hard Rock
Year: 1988
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 9
Size ZIP: ~ 270 mb
Upload: letitbit.net, nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Outrider is an album by Jimmy Page, released by Geffen Records on 19 June 1988. It is his first solo studio album and the first time since 1969 he has recorded with a record label other than Atlantic Records/Swan Song Records. Page recorded the music at his personal studio The Sol. Robert Plant guests on one track, "The Only One", while John Bonham's son Jason plays drums for the first time on record.
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Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty (2014)

Music genres / Rap, Hip Hop, R'n'B maestro 0 9 356  30.10.14 
Performer: Jason Derulo
Album: Talk Dirty
Label: Warner Bros. Made in US.
Catalog #: none
Style: R'n'B
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 11
Size ZIP: ~ 260 mb
Upload: letitbit.net, nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Apparently, someone thought the U.S. and some other North American territories weren't ready for Jason Derulo's more "sensitive side" as his 2013 effort, Tattoos, went unreleased. American fans were only offered the EP version of the album, which whittled it down to five tracks, but now four of those numbers return on the U.S.-only album Talk Dirty, a slight repacking and total repurposing of Tattoos that trades the previous release's concept (soul-searching after breaking his neck and enduring a long recovery) for some U.S.-aimed additions and some "hubba hubba" artwork.
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Johnny Williams / Henry Mancini - Penelope (1966) / Bachelor In Paradise (1961) [OST] (2004)

Music genres / Soundtrack maestro 0 3 627  30.10.14 
Performer: Johnny Williams / Henry Mancini
Album: Penelope (1966) / Bachelor In Paradise (1961)
Label: Warner Bros. Made in US.
Catalog #: FSM Vol. 7 No. 18
Style: Score, Soundtrack,
Year: 2004
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: many
Size ZIP: ~ 1 gb
Upload: letitbit.net, nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Released by Special Arrangement with Turner Classic Movies Music
Prepare to swing with two '60s comedy scores by a pair of famous composers who are more connected than one might think: besides being friends, John Williams was at one time the piano player for Henry Mancini on soundtracks as famous as Peter Gunn. In the '60s, Williams cut his composing teeth on a parade of often silly comedies and farces-exactly the type of film that, in its most classy form, was Mancini's Pink Panther stock-in-trade.
Limited to 3,000 copies worldwide!
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Jon Lord - Celebrating Jon Lord [3CD] (2014)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 685  27.10.14 
Performer: Jon Lord
Album: Celebrating Jon Lord
Label: Abbey Road Studio, earMUSIC. Made in DE.
Catalog #: 0209562ERE
Style: Rock
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: many
Size ZIP: ~ 1.03 gb
Upload: letitbit.net
Password: without a password

Recorded at Royal Albert Hall on April 4, 2014, the various editions combine to include the full evening’s program of nearly three hours of music featuring Deep Purple, Bruce Dickinson, Glenn Hughes, Miller Anderson, Rick Wakeman, Micky Moody, Bernie Marsden, Neil Murray, Steve Balsamo, Phil Campbell, Jeremy Irons and more.
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John Mellencamp - Plain Spoken (2014)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 1 515  27.10.14 
Performer: John Mellencamp
Album: Plain Spoken
Label: Republic Records. Made in US.
Catalog #: B0021723-02
Style: Rock, Folk Rock, Blues Rock
Year: 2014
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 10
Size ZIP: ~ 329 mb
Upload: letitbit.net
Password: without a password

At 62, John Mellencamp has spent his nearly 40-year career figuring out exactly where he fits in the American grain, and he’s never inhabited traditional folk and blues-imbued settings as personally as on his 22nd album. Singing with gruff directness, the recent divorcé deals with relationship struggles (the somber “Tears in Vain”), as well as broader societal and moral worry (the hard-driving “Lawless Times”). He recorded the album in Indiana with executive production by T Bone Burnett, who has brought his stripped-down approach to Mellencamp’s recent albums. “I don’t trust myself, I don’t trust you,” he intones darkly. It’s a lonely old night, as he used to sing, and a raw one.
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