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Silje Nergaard - Chain of Days (2015)

Music genres / Jazz, Early Jazz, Swing, Gypsy, Bob Chaton 0 2 080  18.05.15 
Performer: Silje Nergaard
Album: Chain of Days
Label: Okeh Records. Made in DE.
Catalog #: 888750631626
Style: Vocal Jazz
Year: 2015
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 11
Size RAR: 259 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Chain Of Days is a “chain” of 11 songs with no genre-boundaries, carefully put together with a focus on melody. There is a touch of folk, pop, jazz, Norwegian folk-music, country and blues, but all of the songs have Silje Nergaard’s recognizable and distinct signature.
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Sqeezer - Drop Your Pants (1996)

Releases FM / Disco, Eurodance alxsha 0 4 144  17.05.15 
Performer: Sqeezer
Album: Drop Your Pants
Label: CDL. Made in Europe
Catalog #: 1996
Style: Europop, Euro House, Disco
Year: 7243 8 54459 2 7
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 14
Size ZIP: ~ 481 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Сначала вышла в свет песня «Blue Jeans». В Испании она продержалась более 4-х недель на шестом месте среди самых популярных песен испанского музыкального чартера. Третья по счету песня «Sweet Kisses», которая вышла с альбомом «Drop Your Pants», занимала более 11 недель первое место в испанском чартере. Одновременно с выходом дебютных песен, которые были представлены 14 февраля 1996 в музыкальном мире в виде ремиксов, написанные по образцу Евродансе , Sqeezer также скомбинировали их со звуками по образцу 1950-х годов, которые можно услышать в дебютном альбоме «Drop Your Pants». Песни дебютных альбомов «Scandy Randy», «Blue Jeans», «Sweet Kisses», «Saturday Night» были награждены золотым диском в Польше, Испании и Чехословакии. В октябре 1997 вышла в свет «Tamagotchi». Эта песня была использована производителем игрушек «Saban Worldwide» и не вошла в альбом. «Tamagotchi» стала официальной песней в рекламе игрушек Тамагочи. На сцене группа Sqeezer была представлена в составе трех человек, третьим участником группы был танцор Tee Jay, который в скором времени начал сольную карьеру и был заменен на Marc Theven. Theven покончил жизнь самоубийством в январе 1997.
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Sound Of R.E.L.S. - Crazy Music (1996)

Releases FM / Disco, Eurodance alxsha 0 3 922  12.05.15 
Performer: Sound Of R.E.L.S.
Album: Crazy Music
Label: Fazer Records, Go Records. Made in Finland
Catalog #: 0630-17025-2
Style: Euro House
Year: 1996
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 15
Size ZIP: ~ 658 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

The new album Crazy Music was released in Finland November 18th, 1996. The first single All The Best Girls entered the official Top 20 single chart at # 4 (staying on the chart for 6 consecutive weeks) and the Finnish Dance Chart at # 20 (highest position # 11, current position after 10 weeks # 44). All The Best Girls also appeared on the Scandinavian Dance Chart. It was also playlisted on all the most important radios in Finland : Radiomafia (National Broadcasting Company), NRJ Energy and Kiss FM. The second single from the album, title song Crazy Music was released as a follow up single December, 9th 1996. As All The Best Girls also Crazy Music entered the Finnish Dance Chart at # 15 and is currently holding position # 6 after 3 weeks on the chart. All the above mentioned radios (Radiomafia, KISS FM and NRJ Energy) put Crazy Music on powerplay and its video was on high rotation on Finnish TV-channels.
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Sound Of R.E.L.S. - Sound Of R.E.L.S. (1995)

Releases FM / Disco, Eurodance alxsha 0 3 150  12.05.15 
Performer: Sound Of R.E.L.S.
Album: Sound Of R.E.L.S.
Label: Fazer Records. Made in Finland
Catalog #: 0630-12592-2
Style: Euro House
Year: 1995
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 17
Size ZIP: ~ 703 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

The Sound of R.E.L.S. is the sound of R.E.L.S. the band's debut album, which was released in 1995.Album includes, inter alia, the band's first published in 1994, the single "Love Is The Powa!" as well as Steve Kekanan back over the hit "Raising My Family" -coverversion, which did rise the band's most well-known Finnish kappaleeksi.Albumi remained officially listed 20 weeks, the highest ranking of the week 45/1995 Rank 6 in.
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Sirenia - The Seventh Life Path - Limited Edition (2015)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock mrfitn 0 3 241  10.05.15 
Performer: Sirenia
Album: The Seventh Life Path
Label: Napalm Records GmbH. Made in DE
Catalog #: NPR 584 LTD
Style: Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Year: 2015
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 12
Size RAR: ~ 594 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

The Seventh Life Path is the seventh full-length album by Norwegian gothic metal band Sirenia. It was released on May 8 in Europe, and will be released on May 11 in the United Kingdom and May 12, 2015 in North America through Napalm Records.
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SnakeSkin - Music For The Lost (2004)

Releases FM / Classic Rock, Hard Rock mrfitn 0 2 794  03.05.15 
Performer: SnakeSkin
Album: Music For The Lost
Label: Irond Ltd. Made in RU
Catalog #: Irond CD 04-901
Style: Electro Dark Ambient
Year: 2004
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 13
Size RAR: ~ 547 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Recovery: 3%
Password: without a password

Слава - желанная гостья для любого музыканта, но когда для многих твое имя начинает значить больше, чем твоя музыка, то поневоле начинаешь чувствовать себя птицей в золотой клетке. Но для Тило Вольфа, лидера крупнейшей готик-метал легенды - группы Lacrimosa, это уже не является проблемой, ведь он нашел новый способ выражения своих эмоций - электронный сайд-проект Snakeskin. Дебютный альбом этого проекта под названием “Music For The Lost” стал буквально шоком для тех, кто ожидал, что Тило до конца своих дней будет писать монументальные меланхолические оркестровые 15-минутные эпики. То, что мы получили на этом диске - совершенно иная музыка с совершенно иными текстами и оформлением - настоящий подарок для любителей инноваций и тест на прочность для тех, кто объявлял себя «пожизненными» фэнами Тило.
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Sweet - The Sweet + Hit-Singles (1998)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 763  29.04.15 
Performer: Sweet
Album: The Sweet + Hit-Singles
Label: CD-Максимум. Made in RU.
Catalog #: CDM 398-78
Style: Rock
Year: 1998
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (400 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 22
Size ZIP: ~ 523 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password
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Sweet - Give Us A Wink! + Off The Record (1998)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 1 985  29.04.15 
Performer: Sweet
Album: Give Us A Wink! + Off The Record
Label: CD-Максимум. Made in RU.
Catalog #: CDM 398-77
Style: Rock
Year: 1998
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (400 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 17
Size ZIP: ~ 467 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password
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Sweet - Fanny Adams + Level Headed (1998)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 2 354  29.04.15 
Performer: Sweet
Album: Fanny Adams + Level Headed
Label: CD-Максимум. Made in RU.
Catalog #: CDM 398-76
Style: Rock
Year: 1998
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (400 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 19
Size ZIP: ~ 490 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Альбомы Sweet не становились хитами, но 11 синглов группы входили в первую десятку UK Singles Chart; один из них, «Blockbuster» (1973), поднимался на вершину хит-парада.
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Sweet - Biggest Hits + Desolation Boulevard (1998)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 1 781  29.04.15 
Performer: Sweet
Album: Biggest Hits + Desolation Boulevard
Label: CD-Максимум. Made in RU.
Catalog #: CDM 398-75
Style: Rock
Year: 1998
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (400 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 21
Size ZIP: ~ 484 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Первую известность Sweet получили в начале 1970-х годов благодаря серии бабблгам-синглов, затем - на своём творческом пике - стали частью британского глэм-рок-движения; наконец, утяжелили звук и приблизились к хард-роковому звучанию.
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Supertramp - The Very Best of Supertramp (1990)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 8 329  29.04.15 
Performer: Supertramp
Album: The Very Best of Supertramp
Label: A&M, Universal. Made in DE.
Catalog #: A&M 397 091-2
Style: Art Rock, Pop Rock
Year: 1990
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (300 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 15
Size ZIP: ~ 504 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password
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Supertramp - The Autobiography Of Supertramp (1986)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 3 401  29.04.15 
Performer: Supertramp
Album: The Autobiography Of Supertramp
Label: A&M. Made in FR.
Catalog #: 393 904-2
Style: Art Rock, Pop Rock
Year: 1986
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: full (600 DPI)
Amount of tracks: 14
Size ZIP: ~ 465 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

The Autobiography of Supertramp is the first greatest hits album by progressive rock band Supertramp, released in 1986.
As Supertramp's first greatest hits album, The Autobiography of Supertramp contains a compilation of the most popular songs from the albums Crime of the Century, Even in the Quietest Moments, Breakfast in America, ...Famous Last Words..., and Brother Where You Bound. The 2001 remaster also includes a song from Crisis? What Crisis?. The album Paris is completely unrepresented, despite its including the hit live version of "Dreamer".
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Supertramp - It Was The Best Of Times (1999)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 5 940  29.04.15 
Performer: Supertramp
Album: It Was The Best Of Times
Label: EMI. Made in UK.
Catalog #: 7243 4 99389 2 2
Style: Rock
Year: 1999
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 13
Size ZIP: ~ 643 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

It Was the Best of Times is the third live album by progressive rock band Supertramp, released in April 1999. The album title makes use of the opening line from A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
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Supertramp - Breakfast in America - Deluxe Edition [2CD] (2010)

Music genres / Classic Rock, Hard Rock maestro 0 4 458  29.04.15 
Performer: Supertramp
Album: Breakfast in America
Label: A&M Records, Universal Music. Made in DE.
Catalog #: 0600753304389
Style: Rock
Year: 2010
Format: FLAC (image + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: in archive
Amount of tracks: 22
Size ZIP: ~ 800 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password
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Stefanie Heinzmann - Chance Of Rain (2015)

Music genres / Pop maestro 0 2 878  25.04.15 
Performer: Stefanie Heinzmann
Album: Chance Of Rain
Label: Universal Music. Made in EU.
Catalog #: none
Style: Pop, Rock
Year: 2015
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Covers: only front
Amount of tracks: 13
Size ZIP: ~ 309 mb
Upload: nitroflare.com
Password: without a password

Chance of Rain is the fourth studio album by the Swiss recording artist Stefanie Heinzmann. It was released by Universal Music Domestic on March 27, 2015 in German-speaking Europe.
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